viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

I love the punk rock, the best band: LOS MUERTOS DE CRISTO

"Banderas rojinegras, corazones sin aliento, gargantas libertarias cantando hijos del pueblo, grietas en la historia silencian las razones de aquellos que llevamos un mundo nuevo en los corazones" (Corazon Indomable)
Hello everybody today I'm going to talk about my favorite Band.
My favorite band is LOS MUERTOS DE CRISTO is a spain band of punk rock it is  form by Lorenzo Morales ( vocalist),  Rafa Lobato (bassist, bagpipes), Angel Lobato (bassist, guitarist), Paco Trujillo (guitarist), Manuel Borrego "Lolo" (drumer), Anton Totxi (guitarist).
LMDC born in 1989 in Utrera (Sevilla), of idiology  anarchist, While not a particularly well known band, are one of the most representative of its genre, punk rock.
I like this king of music because i like the lyrics about rebellion and anarchy. It is also a very important band in my life, because in a concert of them in Chile, November 10, 2007, I met the love of my life: Daniela.
The first album released was "A las Barricadas" in 1995, an album that was not exempt from economic problems. But his discography consists of nine albums, my favorites are "Rapsodia Libertaria Vol.I", "Rapsodia Libertaria Vol.II" and "Bienvenidos al Infierno" because his lyrics are really beautiful and reached its highest level. Today they are separate, but part of this band is a band very similar band to LOS MUERTOS DE CRISTO, called EL NOI DEL SUCRE led by Lorenzo.
LMDC is a very good band of punk rock, with letters of freedom and anarchy very good, and I invite you to hear this band. Good Bye!
 "Ya no quedan guerilleros que luchen por la libertad, porque aquellos que lo intentan son tratados de terrorista, violento y radical. Y ya no queda ningun fascista ahora todos son democratas, utilizando esta palabra que ya me toca las pelotas." "( tela de araña)
Happy new year!

2 comentarios:

  1. I can see that this band like you very much because you wrote more of 150 words . jajaja .. I never listened this band ... thank you for your post .. los vimos!

  2. and what about chilean punk rock? what are your favorite bands from here?

